Diocese of Lucena
The Diocesan Administrative Structure

INTRODUCTION 1. A “diocese is a portion of the people of God entrusted to the Bishop to be guided by him with the assistance of his clergy so that, loyal to its pastor and formed by him into one community in the Holy Spirit through the Gospel and the Eucharist, it constitute the local church in which the one, hole, catholic and apostolic church of Christ is truly present and active. “1 This community, like any other human institution needs to be organized into a well-structured body so that it’s may easily achieve the purpose for which it was instituted, namely, the up-building of the People of God. CHAPTER I THE DIOCESAN BISHOP 2. The apostles, conscious that the divine mission entrusted to them by Christ should last until the end of time (Mt. 28:20), took care to appoint successors who will perpetuate the Gospel “which is the source of life for the Church.” 2 Sacred Scriptures and tradition teach and testify that these successors are the Bishops to who were entrusted portion of the Lord’s flock to shepherd. 3 3. As the Shepherd of the flock, the Bishop exercises the office of teaching, sanctifying and governing the people of God. In the diocese assigned to him, he enjoys as of right, all ordinary, special and immediate power which is necessary for the exercise of pastoral duty. He shall use this power in the spirit of the Lord Himself who came to serve and not to be served. 4. Since the priests are the extensions of the Bishop, it is but proper that his first concern should be the spiritual, intellectual and material welfare of the priests in the diocese so that they can lead holy and pious lives and fulfill the ministry faithfully and fruitfully. 4 5. The religious Sisters are among the collaborators of the Bishop in the task of evangelizing the people of God. Since they are working in the diocese, with permission of their religious superiors, the bishop gives them apostolate that is in harmony with the particular demands of the diocese as well as with the charism of their respective religious communities. The Bishop, guided by the Decree Perfectae Caritatis, will encourage, the renewal of the religious sisters in the diocese, in order that they more effectively live the consecration of their life. 6. Likewise, the Bishop Show concern for all Christian faithful entrusted to his care whether rich or poor, learned or ignorant, manifesting an apostolic spirit towards those on account of their way of life are not sufficiently able to enjoy ordinary pastoral care. 5th 7. The Church, in her loving concern for her pastors, had laid down guidelines and aids so that the bishop may be able to fulfill faithfully the responsibilities entrusted to him. It is expected, therefore, that the Bishop shall avail himself of the pertinent norms and provisions of Vatican II and other church documents and shall adhere to them faithfully taking into account the local conditions and situations. RESOLUTION – 1. The Bishop shall see to it that norms are established by which suitable provisions are made for the personal and ministerial formation of the priests and for the material sustenance of all clerics who exercise the ministry in the diocese, particularly the sick, the aged and the incapacitated. R2-The Bishop shall hold dialogue with his priests individually or in common during monthly recollection, and as much as possible, pay them occasional friendly visit in order that the priests may feel that they have not merely an administrator but a father. R-3 Being the Pastor of local church, the bishop’s pastoral concern shall not only be for those who already acknowledge the Prince of pastors but shall also be for those who are of different communion. He shall deal lovingly with them and foster ecumenism as it is understood by the Church. 6 R-4. The Bishop shall employ suitable pastoral method in dealing with various cultural minorities as well as with the Chinese who constitute a considerable portion of the population of the diocese because they need special attention due to the cultural and social conditions in which they live. Pastoral Visitation 8. As shepherd of the diocesan flock, the Bishop has the duty and the right to visit the parishes of his diocese. This is one of the opportune occasions for him to actualize his role as teacher, sanctifier and shepherd. It gives him the opportunity to know his flock and his flock to know him thereby promoting unity and solidarity between the shepherd and his flock. To accomplish these aims, the following resolution have been approved by the synodal assembly: R-5. The parish shall be prepared for the pastoral visit. It should be announced beforehand in order to give the parishioners ample time to prepare. Sermons dealing on the significance of the occasion shall be delivered and the confirmed adequately prepared to receive fruitfully the sacrament of Confirmation. R-6. The pastoral visitation shall be preceded by the official visit of the Vicar Forane. R-7. Efforts shall be taken that a cross-section of the parish is represented to welcome the bishop in the spirit of Christian solidarity. Everyone concerned should help avoid ostentatious and expensive reception. 7 R-8. The Bishop with the priests of the vicariate shall celebrate the Eucharist together, wherein he preaches, distributes Holy Communion, administers Confirmation. In this way he performs his office of Pastor of the local church. 8 R-9. Individual calls, and those made by different organizations both religious and civic, as well as the call of the parish personnel should be encouraged. R-10. The meeting of the parish Pastoral Council shall be held in the presence of the Bishop. 9 R-11. A visit to the poor of the parish as well as the inspection of parish institutions and properties shall be included in the schedule of the visit. R-12. The Pastoral visit should last at least for two complete days, but depending on the situation of the parish being visited. CHAPTER II THE DIOCESAN CURIA 9. For the effective government of the Local Church, the Bishop consults and hears from time to time some persons on matters pertaining to the diocese. These persons ought to have an ardent love for the Church and a knowledge of the office to which they are appointed. They ought to be suitable collaborators of the Bishop in the administration of the diocese, and also in carrying out of the works of the apostolate. 10 10. They will constitute the Curia of the diocese and shall be organized to be useful medium not only for the administration of the Local Church but also for pastoral activity. There are officers to be held by priests alone and some to be entrusted to the laymen. Those appointed shall perform their duties in the name of the Bishop and with his authority fr the good of the Church and in the service of the people of God. 11. The following positions will be held by priests alone: the offices of Vicar General, Episcopal Vicar, Chancellor, Vicar Forane, the College of Consultors, the Presbyteral Council, Diocesan Financial Secretary, Diocesan Examiners, Membership of the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council will be extended to both laymen and members of the clergy and the religious. A. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS The Vicar General 12. The Vicar General is an Ordinary of the place. 11th He gives assistance to the Bishops in the administration of the Local Church. R-13. The Synod recognizes the right of the Bishop to appoint the Vicar General. In the spirit of fraternal solidarity, however, this Synod approves that in the appointment of the Vicar General the Bishop observe the following procedure: A list of possible candidates with their qualification and achievements shall be given to the Clergy. From this list the clergy shall choose three candidates who will be presented to the Bishop. The Bishop shall in turn select the Vicar General from the three candidates. R-14. The Vicar General shall reside in or close to the Episcopal See. He shall hold office as the Moderator of the diocesan curia. 12th Inasmuch as the Vicar General is endowed with executive power throughout the diocese both in the spiritual and temporal matters, it is his role, under the authority of Diocesan Bishop, to coordinate the task which pertain to the administration and pastoral program of the whole diocese, and to handle public communications with the press and other mass media for this reason, the Vicar General shall be freed from other duties which will require pastoral care of its equivalent. 13th The Episcopal Vicar(s) 13. The Episcopal Vicar assist the Bishop in the pastoral government of the Local Church. Considering the geographical condition of the diocese of Lucena and the difficulties of communication,, the Bishop shall appoint several Episcopal Vicars who shall exercise similar authority as the Vicar General but only in a limited territory the boundaries of which shall be defined by the Bishop upon consultation with the College of Consultors. They will reside in parish which is easily accessible to the priests of the area. R-16. A list of possible candidates with their qualification and achievements shall be given to the clergy belonging to the region. The priests will then select the three candidates to be presented to the Bishop, who in turn selects the Episcopal Vicar. R-17. The Episcopal Vicar shall hold office for a term of three (3) years renewable, but not for a third consecutive term. R-18. The Bishop shall consult his Episcopal Vicars on matters of appointments, removal from or termination of office of Vicars Forance and of parish priests and assistance priests within the district concerned. R-19. The Episcopal Vicar shall collaborate with the Vicars Forane within district concerned, in promoting and implementing the pastoral program of the Diocese and of the parishes. Chancellor-Secretary R-20. The Chancellor-Secretary thus appointed shall observe the following provisions: a) He must take an oath in the presence of the Ordinary that he will fulfill his office faithfully and well; b) He is the ex-officio Secretary of the College of Consultors and the Presbyteral Council; c) He must make an accurate record of the acts of the Chancery; d) He must be vigilant that the records entrusted to his care suffer no harm or perish in any way; e) He must arrange the records in the chronological order and keep an index of the same; f) As custodian of the diocesan records he must follow the pertinent provisions of Canon Law and other laws; g) He is a notary by virtue of his office. h) He shall perform other duties as the Bishop may from time to time assign to him. Financial Secretary 15. This Synod recognizes and confirms the office of the Financial Secretary which is an important position in the administration of the diocese. The Financial Secretary assists the Bishop in the administration of the diocesan properties and serves as the treasurer of the diocese. He does not possess administrative powers but is only to assist the Bishop and the Finance Council. This being so, he shall perform his duties always under the direction of the Bishop and shall follow faithfully the provisions of the Canon law. 15th In the performance of his duties, he shall apply the generally accepted account procedures. 16. Since the Financial Secretary is a position of confidence he shall be appointed by the Bishop from among the clergy upon consultation with the College of Consultors and the Finance Council. R-21. The priest appointed as Financial Secretary shall serve for a term of five (5) years. He shall not serve for a second term, unless the good of the diocese needs it, in order that he may be able to exercise his priestly ministry. R-22. On account of the nature of his position, his priest to be appointed shall possess sufficient knowledge of accounting and be a person of reputable character and beyond suspicions regarding trustworthiness. R-23. He shall perform the following aside from what are prescribed by law and his position demand, such as: a) Send collection-reminders to priests with delayed accounts in order to prevent accumulation of arrears; b) Prepare and submit to the Bishop, to the Finance Council and the Presbyterium and annual statement of the financial condition of the diocese; c) Remit in due time all pontifical collections and other collection to the corresponding institutions or agencies. d) Pay on time all kinds of taxes; e) Send promptly the subsidies to needy priests and recommend to the Bishop for assistance priests who for one reason or another are found to be in need of financial aid; f) Make regular audit of all entities in the diocese such as parishes, seminaries, hospitals, centers, etc. g) Perform such order duties as the Bishop may from time to assign to him. The Vicar Forane 17. The office of the Vicar Forane is important for an effective administration of the local church. The Vicar Forane assists the priests of the vicariate in fulfilling their priestly obligations and sees to it that the pastoral needs of the parishioners are properly attended to. He collaborates with the Episcopal Vicar in the up-building of the people of God in their district. R-24. The priests of the vicariate shall elect the Vicar Forane under the presidency of the Episcopal Vicar. Only the qualified priest in accordance with the guideline approved by the Bishop can be elected. R-25. The Vicar’s Forane tenure of office shall be two (2) years. He may be elected for a second term, but not for a third term unless the Bishop decide otherwise. R-26. The election of the Vicar Forane shall be subject to confirmation by the Bishop. Aside from those duties mentioned in Canons 385-389, the Synod approves the following additional duties. R-27. The Vicar Forane shall make his vicarial visit ahead of the pastoral visit so that when the Bishop arrives in the parish he shall have already inspected the things and places dedicated to pious uses and the parish records. A written report of the visitation shall be submitted to the Bishop. R-28. The Vicar Forane may be heard in the matter of appointment, transfer or removal of priests within his vicariate. Diocesan Examiners R-29. Diocesan Examiners shall be chosen by the Presbyteral Council from among the priests proposed by the Bishop. Their function is to conduct certain examination for candidates for parishes, for institution into ministry, for ordination, for renewal of faculties of the clergy. The term of office is for five (5) years. B. ADVISORY COUNCILS Presbyteral Council 18. Among the collaborators of the Bishop mentioned in the Second Vatican Council for the government of the diocese are included those presbyters who constitute his senate or council. 16 The Council in the decree Presbyterorum Ordinis declares that “all priests in union with the Bishop so share in one and the same priesthood and ministry of Christ that the very unity of their consecration and mission requires their hierarchical communion with the order of bishops. Therefore, by reason of the gift of the Holy Spirit which is given to priests in Holy Orders, bishops regard them as necessary helpers and counselors in the ministry and in their role of teaching, sanctifying and nourishing the people of God . . . Already in the ancient ages of the Church, we find liturgical texts proclaiming this with insistence, as when they solemnly call upon God to pour out upon the candidate for priestly ordination “the spirit of grace and counsel, so that with a pure heart he may help and govern the People of God.” 17 19. The Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis that on account of his sharing in their priesthood and mission, priest sincerely look upon the Bishop as their father and reverently obey him. The Bishop in turn should regard his priests as his co-workers and as sons and friends, just as Christ called His Disciples not servant but friends. 18 20. The Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis provides further that bishops should gladly listen to their priests, indeed consult them and engage in dialogue with them in those matters which concern the necessities of the pastoral work and welfare of the diocese. 19 21. Having these provisions in mind, this Synod declares the establishment of the Presbyteral Council representing all the priests of the diocese, which by its advice will be able to give the Bishop effective assistance in the administration of the Diocese. 20 In order to put this into effect, this Synod approves the following resolutions: R-30. The members of the Presbyteral Council shall be selected in such a manner that the entire presbytery is represented. It shall be truly a forum wherein the priests may be able to speak with a common representative voice of the Bishop. R-31. The Presbyteral Council shall be consulted on pastoral questions which pertain to the exercise of jurisdiction or government power, the welfare of the diocese, the need pastoral work, the spiritual, intellectual, and material well-being of priests, and the incardination of excardination of clerics. R-32. The Presbyteral Council shall be given an active participation in the formulation of the pastoral program of diocese College of Consultors 22. Canon Law prescribes the establishment of the smaller consultative body with deliberative vote as provided by law and pertinent roles to play. Its establishment is called for by the fact that it is neither opportune nor possible when dealing with certain matters, especially the most urgent ones, to call together the entire Presbyteral Council. R-33. From the members of the Presbyteral Council, the Bishop shall select seven priests who will constitute the College of Consultors who will enjoy the rights and obligations defined by Canon Law. R-34. The term of Consultors shall be three (3) years. The Diocesan Pastoral Council 23. The institution of the Diocesan Pastoral Council, in which especially chosen clergy, religious and lay people participate to help the Bishop and the priests to make the pastoral ministry more adapted to the times and more efficacious, is highly recommended by the Second Vatican Council in the decree Christus Dominus. For its action really to meet the needs evangelization and the mission incumbent on it, this Synod deems it proper determine to dogmatic basis of the Pastoral Council, its duties and powers and the powers and the qualifications of its members. 24. All Christian are consecrated by the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Initiation into a spiritual house and a holy priesthood. 21 They are called by Christ Himself to cooperate actively in the saving mission of all the priestly people of God. 22 Not all, however, exercise this common responsibility in the same way, but a special task falls to each one, according to his state, in communion with the Church. 23 25. Therefore, the salvific mission of the entire people of God cannot be restricted to the mission of Pastors or of the Church Hierarchy, for these were not meant by Christ to shoulder alone the entire saving mission of the Church, but on the contrary, they must also recognize the service and charismatic gifts of the faithful so what all according to their proper roles, may cooperate actively with one heart in the building up of the mystical body of Christ. 24 26. The faithful, however, are not sealed with the ministerial priesthood. But they also assist in the very pastoral office itself though not in the hierarchy. Therefore, all the faithful according to their knowledge, competence or outstanding ability are permitted and sometimes even obliged to express their opinion on things which concern the good of the church and this can also be done through institutions established for this by law. 25 27. This Synod, therefore, establishes among the cooperators of the Bishop in the fulfillment of his pastoral duty of Diocesan Pastoral Council. R-35. The members shall be selected in such a way that the Diocesan Pastoral Council is truly representative of the People of God in the diocese. The selection shall take into consideration their social conditions and professions, the diverse areas to which they belong as well as the part which they as individuals or members of association have in the apostolate. R-36. The majority of the members shall be laymen of proven faith, good moral and outstanding prudence, and with pastoral experience and able to accept and properly exercise this function. R-37. The Pastoral Council shall assist the Diocesan Bishop in the formulation of the diocesan pastoral program. They shall also meet as often as their task demands. The Financial Council 28. The administration of church properties in modern times has become a complex matter demanding much time, talent and attention. Likewise, the present civil laws in regard to properties demand the counsel of experts who will be of great service to the Bishop in handling difficult financial problems and help him in the exercise of his right and duty to administer all church properties in his territory. 29. Hence this Synod provides the establishment of the Finance Council, consisting of the Bishop as the President and at least ten (10) members, priests and laymen included, who are prudent, capable and, as far as possible, knowledgeable in both Canon and Civil Laws (with regards to properties) and acquainted with the present trend in the management and the finance. At least one of them should come from the Presbyteral Council. The Bishop himself is to choose the members after consulting with the College of Consultors. 30. The members of the Financial Council shall hold office for five (5) years. Having completed his herm they may take up another five years then. R-38. In all matters of great importance involving finance and alienation of properties, the Bishop shall consult the opinion of the Financial Council. In cases expressly required by law or by the articles of a foundation, not only the opinion but the consent of the Financial Council shall be necessary before the Bishop can take any valid decision and action. 26 R-39. The Administration of the properties of the Diocese shall be made in the name of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Lucena, a corporation sole registered with the government. In this way confusion with regards to what belongs personally to the Bishop and what belongs to the Diocese is avoided. R-40. In addition to the duties already committed to it, the Financial Council shall prepare the budget each year for the entire Diocese and shall approve the financial report prepared by the financial secretary. C. ECCLESIASTICAL TRIBUNAL 31. In view of the delicate nature and competence required of the judicial institution in the Diocese, this synod propose to wait for the promulgation of the New Code of Canon Law on Ecclesiastical Tribunal. CHAPTER III DIOCESAN COMMISION 32. To assist the Bishop in the pastoral care of the local church in order that the pastoral welfare of the people of God may be more effectively promoted, several Diocesan Commissions shall be set up. Their task shall be to direct, supervise, coordinate, promote as well as initiate pastoral activities in the Diocese. These diocesan commissions shall be the following: a) The Commission on Seminaries and on priestly and Religious Vocations; b) The Commissions on Formation; c) The Commission on Worship; d) The Commission on Service; and finally, e) The Commission Ecumenical Affairs. 33. The first of these commissions has long been in existence while the last four developed as offices and departments of the present Social Action Center following the impulse set by the Second Vatican Council. With these commissions unifying and coordinating all the various apostolates and ministries, the Synod hopes to renew the temporal order in this portion of the Lord’s vineyard by intensifying the apostolic works and charism of the People of God. The Commission on Seminaries and on Priestly and Religious Vocations 34. Among the institutions of the Diocese the Bishop should regard the seminary as the foremost. He gives it the most zealous and constant care of his apostolic offices, for in the words of the Second Vatican Council, “the seminary is the heart of the diocese.” 27 The New Code of Canon Law rules that “there be a council of advisers for the administration of temporal goods of the seminary, whose advice the Bishop must seek in matters of great importance. The members of his council are clergy or lay person who are skilled in financial matters; they are to be the responsible bishop” 28 The same new Canon Law also says that “they are appointed for a term of six years and can be appointed to a second six years term. They are not to be removed from office without a serious reason.”29 35. Discipline is the seminary must be faithfully safeguarded and promoted through wise regulations and by formators “chosen from among the best and prepared by solid doctrine, appropriate Experience, and special spiritual and pedagogical”. 30 The purpose of seminary disciple is not only to develop solid maturity of personality in the candidates for the priesthood but also to develop in them the traits of character which are extremely necessary for an ordered and productive activity of the church. 31 R-41. The Commission on Seminaries and on Priestly and Religious Vocation shall be composed of a) the advisers for the administration of the temporal goods of the seminary; b) the adviser for the administration of the temporal goods of the seminary; b) the deputies in the diocese; c) the Reactor of the seminaries discipline; c) the Rectors of the seminaries existing in the diocese (who shall remain in the Commission as long as they are in office);d) and the Directors of Vocations. R-42. The Diocese shall encourage and financially supports for further studies priests and seminarians who are capable and willing to teach in the seminary. Those who are already involved in the seminary formation shall be encouraged to pursue their line of specialization. Therefore, a long range planning and well-programmed activities to train seminary personnel ought to be devised and implemented. R-43. The shall be an intensive and organized vocation campaign in the whole diocese through the establishment of association that foster vocation, such as the Knights of the Altar Society, Boys, Choir, etc. This shall be complimented for the whole Church. R-44. There shall be a special day for vocation once a week in every parish, and an annual prayer rally for vocations in the whole diocese coinciding with that established for the whole Church. 36. The Philippine Ratio Fundamentals gives the following persons to compose the Diocesan Opus Vocationum: the Director of Vocation as Chairman, a representative of the seminaries existing in the diocese, a pastor, a representative of the various lay organization, a representative of vocation organization, a seminarian, the superintendent of Catholic Schools, a representative of religious men and women, some parents of seminarians. 32 The treasurer of Opus whose duties shall be specified by the Diocesan Opus Vocationum shall be elected from one of the above mentioned persons and shall be responsible to the diocesan Financial Secretary and the Financial Council. R-45. The Director of Vocation as much as possible be appointed on a full-time basis. He must be able to relate with the youth, expert in human in relation, skillful in the art of promotions and has and adequate knowledge of seminary formation. R-46. Although not a member of the Diocesan Seminary Staff, the Director of Vocation shall reside in the Diocesan Seminary Staff, the Director of Vocation shall reside in the Diocesan Seminary. However, if necessity dictates it, he may be given some minor office or teaching load in the seminary, which case also becomes seminary administration. R-47. As Director of the Diocesan Opus Vocation, he shall likewise act of liaison between the parents of seminaries and the Seminary administrators vice versa. The Commission on Formation, Worship, and Service 37. The decree of the Second Vatican Council, more particularly the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, have put in clear perspective the three fields of apostolic works: formation, worship, service. 33 38. The Church must enter into human form life in all its various manifestations. She must be present everywhere that there is a human value to be incorporated. The problems of adaption, assimilation and purification will necessarily be encountered by priests and faithful alike in the task of renewing of themselves for holiness and salvation. This synod believes that unity of objectives must be supported and strengthened by unity of efforts in the accomplishment of the Church’s prophetic, priestly and kingly functions. It is this unity which will prefigure and promotion Christian development. 39. The importance and necessity of this triple task of the Christian Community, are also well taken by this Synod of Lucena that each of them has become the subject matter of three separate Pastoral Instructions. On this account, the some Synod approves the establishment and maintenance of three separates Pastoral Instructions. On this account, the some Synod approves the establishment and maintenance of three separate on Formation, Worship and Service. R-48. The Commission on formation, worship and service shall act as centers with the responsibility of directing the many service of the apostolate, as well as the offices, committees for transacting current and particular business, Secretaries and the like, and will provide information about the different apostolic initiatives. R-49. These commission shall take care of the mutual coordination of the various organization, undertaking the roles of different fields of the apostolate; their autonomy and peculiarity remaining untouched. R-50. They shall undertake research on the different problems arising from its particular field of apostolate and with their advice shall assist the hierarchy and laity in their field of apostolic activities. R-51. They shall inform the Bishop from time to time about the religious, intellectual and social condition of the diocese. With this information, the Bishop will be able to study and analyze what helps and what hinder genuine renewal, thereby arriving at wise and prudent solutions to actual problems. The Commission on Ecumenical Affairs 40. Catholics must know that they are joined in many ways to be baptized who are honored by the name of Christians and also to those who have not yet received the Gospel.34 The impulse of the grace of ecumenical unity most especially through the promotion of justice and truth, of concord and collaboration, and of the spirit of brotherly love.35 41. The establishment in the Diocese of a separate Commission on Ecumenical Affairs following the guidelines and instructions of the Second Vatican Council in the Decree on the Ecumenism in hereby confirmed by this Synod and is the subject matter of the resolutions in Chapter IX of this Synod’s Decree on Presbyter Community. Pious Association 42. In almost of the parishes of the Diocese there are active pious associations of the laity, particularly the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, the Apostolado ng Panalangin, the San Antonio or Opus, The Legion of Mary, the tertiaries, the Family life Apostolate, etc., all contributing to the perfection of Christian life though the witness of their words and work and piety. The pious associations are to be directed towards the fulfillment of our diocesan objectives. Efforts must be expended in order that they may hasten the achievement of the ideals of Christian Community. And in order to ensure unity of purpose and apostolic endeavor al pious associations or organizations, already instituted or still to be instituted, must be grouped under one of the three Commissions on Formation, Worship, and Service. Their directors or the parish priests are enjoined to supervise the activities of these associations and to coordinate with the respective Diocesan Commission. 43. It is great joy to the Church to see these associations flourish within the confines of the parishes. The Synod welcomes their Christian generosity with joy and gratitude. CONCLUSIONS 44. Inspired by the teaching and instructions of the Second Vatican Council, the resolutions and guidelines emanating from this Synod are intended to wield the members of the Christian Community to Christ, the Lord and Head, and to one another. Because of the wide variety of situations, this program on the Diocesan Administrative Structures is deliberately general on many points. 45. The structures is intended to serve the interests of the faithful as well as the effective cooperation between the members of the Christian Community. Clergy and laity alike, towards the establishment of the reign of charity. This Synod entertains the hope that the instructions and resolutions passed will be put into practice with courage and confidence in the divine assistance. “To him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.” (Eph. 3/20-21).

_________________ NOTES: Chistus Dominus, n.11(CD) Lumen Gentium(LG)n.20 LG n.19 CD n.16 Proposed Code of Canon Law BK II,c236(PCCL) CDn.16 PCCL,II c. 256 Lucena Diocese Circular Letter, n. 1,s.1977 Ibid CD n.27 PCCL,II c.198 Ib c.286 Ib. c.286;291, No. 4292,no.4, Ib c. 295 Ib.c CD n.27 Presbyterorum Ordinis(PO)n.7 CD n. 16,PO n. 7 PO n. 7 PO n. 7 LG n.10 LG n.33 Apostolicam Actuositatem(AA) n.2 LG n.30 LG n.37 PCCL,V. c.21
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